Chapter 4: 004 Arrogance

Translator: 549690339

A week had passed since the start of the new term.

Ming Jing left for school early every day, refusing Zhu Xiangxiang’s offer to take the private car, instead opting for the public bus.

She kept to her room upon returning home, never leaving.

She skipped even dinner; the housemaid invited her once, only to be told that as a nun, she did not eat after noon.

Thus, in the ten days since Ming Jing had moved into The Zhus, Zhu Xiangxiang had not had the chance to encounter her at all.

Every day, Lin Qing dolled up to go out shopping and play Mahjong with her group of friends, completely forgetting about her biological daughter. It was only following Granny Zhu’s reminder that Lin Qing remembered – ah, there was an additional member in the household now.

She summoned the housemaid to enquire into Ming Jing’s daily life – as simple and dull as it was, not an ounce of mischief present.

Then, Lin Qing was only put at ease.

“Ming Jing has been back for a few days now. I’ve been thinking that it might be time to introduce her to everyone. We should select an auspicious day to formally announce Ming Jing’s status to prevent any further discomfort to the child,” Granny Zhu suggested.

Zhu Xiangxiang’s eyebrows perceptibly furrowed, but she gave no other visible sign of her unease.

Lin Qing flicked a curl behind her ears and lifted her floral tea for a sip, “This isn’t a good idea for Xiangxiang, I think we should forget it.”

“Mother, Granny’s right. Everything I’m enjoying right now rightfully belongs to Ming Jing; it’s only fair that we give them back to her. Ming Jing has suffered too much throughout her life, we cannot allow her to go through more grievances,” said Zhu Xiangxiang, her words brimming with understanding.

Lin Qing was deeply moved, praising her daughter for her kindness and maturity. Even Granny Zhu couldn’t help but cast a few approving glances at Zhu Xiangxiang, silently nodding to herself.

“Alright, then. I’ll do the arrangements. I do hope this lass won’t bring shame upon us at the gathering.”

“Mother, it won’t happen. I’ll teach Ming Jing some noble etiquette and fashion tips in the coming days. I’m sure she’ll be the brightest among us all, becoming the pride of the Zhu family.”

“Ah, you, always looking out for others before yourself. Sometimes, being too kind can get you bullied.”

“I won’t. I have Mother protecting me.”

The mother-daughter pair cuddled together in affection while Granny Zhu glanced towards the second floor.



“Where is Shaodan? Why hasn’t he returned yet?” With the clock approaching ten, Lin Qing began anxiously making calls as she failed to locate her son.

No one answered.

Lin Qing was always concerned about her son. Perhaps due to their shared connection as mother and son, she had an ominous gut feeling and started calling all of Zhu Shaodan’s friends.

No one picked up, and those who did hadn’t seen Zhu Shaodan.

Lin Qing hastily instructed the butler to search the usual locales that Zhu Shaodan frequented. Zhu Shaodan was a textbook version of a spoiled, rich kid – lacking in talent, yet often mingling with the second-generation rich at places like bars and karaoke lounges. Despite being only fifteen, he had rotated through group after group of girlfriends.

That night, Lin Qing was restless. Zhu Xiangxiang kept her company, playing the role of the comforting little girl, all the while assuring her mother that Zhu Shaodan would be just fine.

Just as the sky was brightening, the butler called.

Zhu Shaodan had gotten into a fight and was sent to the hospital.

Frantic, Lin Qing immediately rushed to the hospital without a second thought. Zhu Xiangxiang had no choice but to ask for leave to accompany her mother.

Ming Jing, who was accustomed to rising early, saw the two women hurrying out of the house, she arched an eyebrow.

Zhu Xiangxiang saw her and mentioned hastily, “Ming Jing, Shaodan has been hospitalized. Mother and I are rushing to the hospital to see him. I have to leave the house to you – Granny Zhu is old and can’t take shocks, it’s better if we keep this a secret from her for now.”

Ming Jing merely nodded, prompting Lin Qing to pull Zhu Xiangxiang away while grumbling, “Why bother telling her so much, just seeing her emotionless face annoys me…”

Ming Jing made her way to the kitchen, where Madam Zhou was preparing breakfast. Granny Zhu, due to her age and poor dental health, had to be dietary restrictions.

Before The Zhues made their fortune, they were considered a smaller, less recognized family in town. Granny Zhu, an early widow, went through great hardships raising her two children. Now, as an elderly lady, she had grown accustomed to the fine delicacies of the wealthy life. Instead, she preferred modest corn pancakes and drank vegetable porridge.

Zhu Wentao, being a filial son, had specially brought over Madam Zhou from their hometown. Granny Zhu’s daily meals were generally prepared by Madam Zhou.

Upon noticing Ming Jing in the kitchen, Madam Zhou was surprised, “Miss, why are you here? The kitchen has too much oil smoke, you should go out.”

Ming Jing rolled up her sleeves, “I can take care of it.”

Ming Jing took the spatula from Madam Zhou. The corncakes in the frying pan were sizzling and rapidly rising in response to the heat. Ming Jing quickly flipped the corncakes with skilled movements.

Madam Zhou was caught by surprise, “Miss, you can make pancakes?”

While stirring the corn porridge, Ming Jing calmly replied, “In the nunnery, I would make the meals.”

Madam Zhou looked at the slender shoulders of the young girl who showed skilled proficiency, feeling a sense of compassion in her heart.

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