Age of Evolution#

Chapter 11 - 11: 11: Provocation

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Provocation

Translator: 549690339

After Zhao Liang left, the third-class student immediately pulled Zhao Liang’s chair and said to Fu Chengya, “Brother Fu, come and sit here.”

Fu Chengya didn’t hold back and directly sat in Zhao Liang’s position. This position was the main seat, and he felt it was only natural for him to sit there.

All five of them were dressed in Gale’s uniform. Fu Chengya, as a first-class student, naturally held the highest status, and neither Lin Zhen nor Meng Dong made a sound.

Fu Chengya sat down, with Zhu Haoran sitting to his left and Zhang Yi sitting to his right. Lin Zhen and Meng Dong were sitting opposite them.

“Did you guys come from the sixth high school?” Zhang Yi asked first.

“Yes, from the sixth.”

“I heard that because the students in the sixth high school have poor aptitude, the selection standards are somewhat far-fetched. Those who barely make it will be given third and even second-class contracts. Is that true?” Zhang Yi’s eyes sweep over the second-class student mark on Lin Zhen’s chest, seemingly somewhat unconvinced.

Students from the first high school have always been strong, and their family backgrounds are not simple. Facing such people, Meng Dong felt somewhat uneasy, let alone being just a third-class student himself. Hearing Zhang Yi’s question, he didn’t know how to respond.

Seeking help from Lin Zhen, Meng Dong felt that Lin Zhen was very powerful and much better than himself. So, it’s better for him to be in charge of these matters.

Lin Zhen smiled slightly and said to Zhang Yi, “Are you implying that Brother Zhao is being partial?”

With one sentence, Zhang Yi was rendered speechless.

His words were aimed at Lin Zhen, but even if he had the guts, he wouldn’t dare question Zhao Liang.

Zhao Liang is a Level 3 War General, and his position within the Gale is not low, not someone a mere third-class student like him can question.

Seeing Zhang Yi getting a setback, Zhu Haoran immediately said, “Zhang Yi, Lin Zhen is a second-class student; you should maintain some respect.”

After saying that, he turned to Lin Zhen, “What Zhang Yi said is not uncommon. Many students from lower-ranking high schools are indeed mediocre. He doesn’t mean to question Mr. Zhao; Lin Zhen, don’t try to falsely accuse.”

Lin Zhen nodded, “There are indeed some mediocre students, but they are not only found in lower-ranking high schools. Some top-ranked high schools have a big reputation, but the students they send out are like flowers in a greenhouse, even having students who wet their pants when fighting monsters.”

Zhu Haoran’s eyebrows furrowed, and his face turned to Lin Zhen with a hint of displeasure.

What Lin Zhen said had happened at the first high school, where there was once a second-class student who performed well in training but wet his pants when he really fought the monsters. This matter was a great shame for the first high school, and all the students didn’t like to hear it. However, Lin Zhen brought it up directly, and Zhu Haoran became disgruntled.

“What are you talking about?” With Fu Chengya and Zhu Haoran backing him, Zhang Yi immediately lashed out at Lin Zhen.

At this point, Meng Dong got over his initial unease. He had always been impulsive, and seeing Lin Zhen speaking confidently, he was no longer afraid of the first high school’s reputation. He saw Zhang Yi yelling and immediately slammed the table, “Listen to what is being said, don’t be shouting, third-class student!”

As he spoke, Ouyang Yu stepped forward, standing in front of Lin Zhen and Meng Dong.

Fu Chengya frowned, not expecting that their visit was aimed at Lin Zhen and Meng Dong. He couldn’t refuse their drinking proposal, so he nodded slightly.

Obviously, both Fu Chengya’s group and the Dragon Slayer members regarded Fu Chengya as the decision maker, while Lin Zhen and Meng Dong’s opinions were simply ignored.

Ouyang Yu smirked and grabbed a massive bottle of Ice City’s signature high-proof liquor, filling two large cups that could hold more than two pounds each in front of Lin Zhen and Meng Dong.

He raised his head and said, “Lin Zhen, Meng Dong, we all graduated from the Sixth Middle School. Despite our past grievances, that’s all in the past now. Drink this cup for the sake of our friendship, and we’ll continue to be good classmates and good brothers afterwards.”

Meng Dong looked at the liquor cup, “Ouyang Yu, if you want us to drink, shouldn’t you show some sincerity first? Aren’t you going to drink as well?”

“Of course, I’m going to drink too. Watch this.”

Ouyang Yu took another large cup and filled it up with two pounds of high-proof liquor.

“How about the three of us drink together?”

Lin Zhen had been keeping an eye on Ouyang Yu’s fingers. This scene had happened before, but it wasn’t Ouyang Yu who did it at the time. Obviously, this time it was because of Lin Zhen’s presence that Ouyang Yu volunteered to take action.

Ouyang Yu’s drink was real, but at this moment, he had an antidote pill in his hand. When placed in the drink, it would dissolve within a second, turning the high-proof liquor into water.

The antidote pill wasn’t cheap, and Ouyang Yu was determined to make Lin Zhen and Meng Dong look bad.

The bar’s dim lighting made it impossible for anyone to notice the antidote pill.

Lin Zhen had been paying close attention, and as soon as Ouyang Yu’s fingers opened, he secretly used his mental power.

Mental power could be applied to inanimate objects, allowing them to move in mid-air. If one trained their mental power to the golden level, they would be able to control objects and even fly while carrying a person.

Lin Zhen’s mental power was at the peak of the bronze stage, almost entering the silver stage. It was effortless for him to move a tiny antidote pill. The moment the antidote pill fell into Ouyang Yu’s drink, Lin Zhen quickly pulled it through the air towards him.

One second later, the antidote pill dissolved in Lin Zhen’s drink.

“Ouyang Yu, I’ll join you for a drink. However, there’s no need to involve Meng Dong, is there? How about I drink this cup with you?” Lin Zhen spoke.

Ouyang Yu’s original goal was Lin Zhen, and Meng Dong was just a side target. He had been worried that Lin Zhen would refuse, but now that Lin Zhen agreed, he immediately showed a smile, “Alright, I’ll give you this favor, Lin Zhen. But let’s agree that if anyone can’t drink, they’ll be the one losing face, and all of today’s expenses will be on them.”

“No problem!” Lin Zhen agreed readily.

“Lin Zhen, can you handle it?” Meng Dong asked with some concern.

“Just watch. When have you ever seen me do something I’m not certain of?” Lin Zhen replied. He clinked glasses with Ouyang Yu, and the two of them raised their glasses to their lips, their eyes locked on each other with meaningful gazes.

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